9.6. Other Applications of the SVD¶
In our first introduction to the SVD (The Singular Value Decomposition), we describe how it is used to find the inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, and the null solution of a singular matrix equation. We also discussed calculating the pseudo-inverse of rectangular matrices in Over-determined Pseudo-inverse and The Preferred Under-determined Solution. Here we list five additional applications of the SVD to linear algebra—vector projections with the economy SVD, finding orthogonal basis vectors from the SVD’s factor, identifying the four fundamental subspaces from the SVD, finding the condition number of a matrix, and the polar decomposition.
9.6.1. Projection and the Economy SVD¶
The SVD has application to vector projections as described in Over-determined Systems and Vector Projections. We begin with an observation related to the extra rows of zeros in the matrix for over-determined systems. As discussed in SVD of Rectangular Matrices, some columns of the matrix do not contribute to the final SVD product because they get multiplied by zeros in .
Over-determined Full SVD
Economy SVD
The economy SVD removes the unused columns of and the rows of zeros in .
The economy SVD is a valid factoring. The only noticeable application difference is that is not unitary: , but . The economy SVD is used to solve over-determined systems of equations () and projection approximations.
Two pairs of matrices in the projection equation reduce to identity matrices.
As mentioned in Alternate Projection Equation, orthonormal basis vectors of the
matrix are needed for the projection. Either the modified
Gram–Schmidt algorithm, QR factorization, or the
from the economy SVD may be used. The MATLAB function orth
uses the
economy SVD method to compute orthonormal basis vectors.
The fourProjections
script shows four ways to
achieve projection of an over-determined system. The plot of the
projections is shown in Four vector projection alternatives. The projection lines appear as
one line because they are on top of each other..
% File: four_projections.m
% Comparison of 4 ways to compute vector projections of an
% over-determined system.
%% Over-determined System with noise
t = linspace(0,20);
y = 10 - 0.75.*t + 5*randn(1,100);
b = y';
A = ones(100,2); % A is the design matrix
A(:,2) = t';
%% basic pseudo-inverse projection onto the column space of A
x_hat = (A'*A)\(A'*b);
p1 = A*x_hat;
%% Alternate Gram-Schmidt
G = mod_gram_schmidt(A);
% u1 = G(:,1); % could use vectors for projection
% u2 = G(:,2);
% p2 = b'*u1*u1 + b'*u2*u2;
p2 = G*G'*b; % or matrix multiplication accomplishes the same
%% Econ SVD projection
[U, ~, ~] = svd(A, 'econ');
p3 = U*U'*b;
%% MATLAB's Orth function
O = orth(A); % O and U should be the same
p4 = O*O'*b;
%% Plot
figure, hold on, scatter(t, b)
plot(t, p1), plot(t, p2), plot(t, p3) plot(t, p4)
hold off
legend('Noisy Data', 'Onto Column Space', 'Gram-Schmidt', ...
'SVD', 'Orth function')
9.6.2. Condition Number¶
The singular values of a singular matrix will contain one or more zeros. Likewise, matrices that are close to singular will contain near zero singular values. As described in Matrix Condition Number, the solution to a poorly conditioned matrix equation is sensitive to perturbations of the elements of . Viewing the solution to from the perspective of the outer product of the SVD gives us an intuition into the sensitivity of to perturbations in [GOLUB13].
The scalar fractions are dot products divided by singular values. Thus the magnitude of the singular values has a significant impact on the sensitivity of the problem. A matrix with singular values close to zero is poorly conditioned.
The condition number of a matrix may be estimated by the ratio of the largest and smallest singular values.
A full rank matrix will have a fairly small condition number. Singular
and near singular matrices will have condition numbers of infinity or
very large (several thousand). Thus the condition number is a quick
invertible test. To avoid division by zero, MATLAB uses the reciprocal
of the condition number. The rcond
function calculate an estimate
for the reciprocal condition number. If
is well conditioned, rcond(A)
is near 1.0. If
is poorly conditioned, rcond(A)
is near 0.
When using the left-divide operator to find the solution to a matrix equation, one may occasionally see a warning message such as follows.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 3.700743e-18.
9.6.3. Polar Decomposition¶
There is another factoring of a matrix that uses the sub-matrices of the SVD. The polar decomposition splits the matrix up into a symmetric matrix and an orthogonal matrix. The factoring is , which is intended to be a generalization to matrices of the polar representation of vectors on a complex plane, , where is the scalar length of and gives the direction of the vector according to Euler’s complex exponential formula. In the polar decomposition, is a unitary rotation matrix, and has the same matrix norm as . But with multiplication by a vector, the matrix will both scale and rotate the vector. It can be found by simply inserting an identity matrix in the form of into the SVD equation.
The polar decomposition has application to computer graphics and materials engineering where it is used to decompose stress tensors [BUFFINGTON14].