17.4. Discrete 1D Fourier Transform¶
The continuous time signal is sampled every seconds to obtain the discrete time signal . Discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) are computed over a sample window of samples, which can span be the entire signal or a portion of it.
Discrete 1D Fourier Transform
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
- In MATLAB, k and n range from 1 to N, not 0 to N-1.
- There is some variation in the literature about the multiplier in front of the sum. Some people put in the DFT equation. Others put it in the IDFT equation. This is what MATLAB does. Other still put in both.
is complex, discrete, and periodic.
The range of k from 0 to N-1 may be regarded as spanning the complex exponential basis function from 0 to . In relation to frequencies, we prefer to view the values from to as from to 0.
- k = 0 to N/2 are positive frequencies.
- k = N/2 to N-1 are negative frequencies.
- MATLAB has a function called
that is often used when plotting in the frequency domain. It is necessary to shift the x-axis to display the plot so that 0 is at the center, instead of or N/2 being the center of the plot.
For best result when using numerical software, such as MATLAB, choose N to be a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 …). The reason for this is explained when the
function is discussed. For both images and one dimensional signals that are not a power of 2, zeros may be added to the end of the data to reach the next power of 2.
>> z = linspace(0, 2*pi, 128);
>> x = cos(5*z); % 5 = 2*pi*f => f approx 0.8 Hz
>> X = fft(x);
>> figure;
>> subplot(2,2,1), plot(z,x), title('time domain');
>> subplot(2,2,2), plot(z-pi,fftshift(abs(X))), title('frequency domain');
>> subplot(2,2,3), plot(z-pi,fftshift(real(X))), title('Real frequency domain');
>> subplot(2,2,4), plot(z-pi,fftshift(imag(X))), title('Imaginary frequency domain');
17.4.1. Periodicity in the Frequency Domain¶
Sampling a continuous signal is equivalent to multiplying the signal with the comb function with period of . Normally, when we think of filtering, we do convolution in the time domain, which corresponds to multiplication in the frequency domain. In this case, multiplication was done in the time domain, so convolution is done in the frequency domain. Referring to Common Fourier Transform Pairs, we see that the comb function is periodic at every Hz (cycles/second). Thus, discrete signals are periodic in the frequency domain every coefficients.
Each sample point of the comb function is like an impulse signal, which has a flat frequency response. So in the frequency domain, the shape of the frequency response for the continuous and discrete signal are the same over Hz or samples. The DFT result is just repeated every samples.
The periodic property can also be seen be in the equation for the DFT.
17.4.2. Aliasing and Nyquist Theorem¶
Since discrete signals and images are periodic in the frequency domain, if the frequency response extends beyond from zero, then they will overlap with adjacent frequency response producing distortion know as aliasing. Aliasing can occur either because of image or signal processing, such as down sampling (resizing) an image, or because of not sufficiently low pass filtering the signal before sampling.
The Nyquist sampling theorem states that signals must be sampled at least twice the highest frequency component of the signal.
This video by Peter Corke demonstrates aliasing and how it occurs in the spatial domain.