12.4.3. Direct Algorithms

Direct algorithms have a pre-determined number of steps based on the data size. However, the number of calculations of iterative algorithms is non-deterministic. Three algorithms step down the matrix diagonal, applying a sequence of Householder reflections. The QR decomposition is used in eigendecomposition algorithms as described in Iterative QR Algorithm, but it is also used to solve systems of linear equations (\mathbf{A}\bm{x} = \m{Q\,R}\bm{x} = \bm{b}). The Hessenberg and bidiagonal decompositions are preliminary steps to iterative algorithms to find the eigendecomposition and the SVD. QR Decomposition

The MATLAB command, [Q, R] = qr(A) finds the factors \bf{Q} and \bf{R} of \bf{A}. The function qrFactor listed below is a simple algorithm implementation. It does not handle under-determined matrices, nor is it as flexible or as robust as MATLAB’s qr function. The qrFactor function makes use of the householder function to compute the Householder reflection matrices that, with multiplication, convert \bf{R} to upper triangular form. [1] Then, the \bf{Q} matrix is built as an orthogonal product of transposed reflection matrices. The code is based on pseudo-code in Demmel’s Applied Numerical Linear Algebra text [DEMMEL97] and Golub and Van Loan’s Matrix Computations text [GOLUB13].

function [Q, R] = qrFactor(A, econ)
% QRFACTOR - Simple QR factorization using Householder reflections.
% [Q, R] = QRFACTOR, yields Q and R factors such that A = Q*R.
% A - input real or complex m-by-n matrix, (m >= n).
% econ - (optional) enter 0 (zero) to get the economy QR,
%        where Q is m-by-n and R is n-by-n. [Q, R] = qrFactor(A, 0);
% Q - Unitary basis vectors of A (m-by-m)
% R - Upper triangular matrix (m-by-n)
    [m, n] = size(A);
    if m < n
        error('Matrix must be square or over-determined')
    R = A;
    Q = eye(m);
    for k = 1:min((m-1), n)
        H = householder(R(k:m, k), m, k-1);
        R = H*R;
        R(k+1:m,k) = zeros(m-k,1); % no round-off error
        Q = Q*H';
        % For real numbers H = H', but not in the complex case
    % The econ option is useful with rectangular matrices.
    if exist('econ','var') && econ == 0
        Q = Q(:,1:n);
        R = R(1:n, :);
end Hessenberg Decomposition

The Hessenberg form [2] of a matrix has all zeros below the subdiagonal. [3] Householder transforms on each column clear the values below the subdiagonal. The algorithm uses similarity transformations to maintain the eigenvalues of the matrix (Similarity Transformations). To maintain the similarity, the transpose of the Householder transforms are multiplied from the right. The similarity requirement does not allow converting the matrix to upper triangular form with a direct calculation. The Hessenberg decomposition is as follows.

\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{P\,H\,P}^H


When converted to Hessenberg form, a symmetric matrix becomes tridiagonal, where only the subdiagonal, diagonal, and superdiagonal hold nonzero elements.

MATLAB has a function called hess that converts a matrix to Hessenberg form. The hessForm function shows an implementation of shifting a matrix to Hessenberg form. In addition to returning the matrix in upper Hessenberg form, the unitary matrix is also returned.

function [P, H] = hessForm(A)
% HESSFORM - Convert A to Hessenberg form using Householder reflectors.
%  H = HESSFORM(A) is the Hessenberg form of the matrix A.
%     The Hessenberg form of a matrix is zero below the first
%     subdiagonal and has the same eigenvalues as A. If the matrix
%     is symmetric or Hermitian, the form is tridiagonal.
%  [P,H] = HESSFORM(A) produces a unitary matrix P and a Hessenberg
%     matrix H so that A = P*H*P' and P'*P = EYE(SIZE(P)).
% A - input real or complex square matrix n-by-n.

    [m, n] = size(A);
    if m ~= n
        error('Matrix must be square')
    P = eye(n);
    for k = 1:n-1
        Hr = householder(A(k+1:m, k), m, k);
        A = Hr*A*Hr';
        A(k+2:m, k) = zeros(m-k-1, 1); % no round-off error
        P = P*Hr';
        % For real numbers H = H', but not in the complex case
    if nargout<=1, P = A; else, H = A; end
end Bidiagonal Decomposition

The bidiagonal decomposition is a preliminary step to the iterative algorithm to calculate the SVD. A bidiagonal matrix is upper triangular, where the only nonzero elements are on the diagonal and superdiagonal. The bidiagonal decomposition of \mathbf{A}_{m{\times}n} is given by \mathbf{A}
= \mathbf{P\,J\,Q}^H, where \mathbf{P}_{m{\times}m} and \mathbf{Q}_{n{\times}n} are orthogonal and \mathbf{J}_{m{\times}n} is bidiagonal. A sequence of Householder transformations multiplied from the left and from the right convert the matrix to bidiagonal form. Because similarity is not required, we design the transforms multiplied from the right to set all row elements to the right of the superdiagonal to zero. The function bidiag implements the bidiagonal decomposition.

function [P, J, Q] = bidiag(A)
% BIDIAG - Biagonal factoring of a matrix using Householder reflection
%          transformations. Nonzero values are only along the main
%          diagonal and the first superdiagonal.
% A - input real or complex matrix, square or over-determined (m-by-n)
% P - Pre-multiply transform
% J - bidiagonal of A - same singular values as A
% Q - Post-multiply transform
% A = P*J*Q'
% see also: HOUSEHOLDER, SVD65, SVD, svdFrancis

    [m, n] = size(A);
    if n > m    % under-determined
        error('Use the transform of under-determined matrices.')
    P = eye(m); Q = eye(n);
    J = A;
    % Use Householder transformations to clear values below the main
    % diagonal and to the right of the first superdiagonal.
    for i=1:n-2
        H = householder(J(i:m,i), m, i-1);
        J = H*J; P = P*H'; J(i+1:m,i) = zeros(m-i,1);
        H = householder(J(i,i+1:n)', n, i);
        J = J*H';  Q = Q*H'; J(i,i+2:n) = zeros(1,n-i-1);
        % For real numbers H = H', but not in the complex case
    % last column of J to change for square matrix
    H = householder(J(n-1:m,n-1), m, n-2);
    J = H*J; P = P*H'; J(n:m,n-1) = zeros(m-n+1,1);
    % last column of J for over-determined matrix
    if m > n
        H = householder(J(n:m,n), m, n-1);
        J = H*J; P = P*H'; J(n+1:m,n) = zeros(m-n, 1);
    if ~isreal(J)
        % There are complex values at J(n-1,n) and J(n,n). We can
        % only fix J(n,n).
        H = eye(m);    % make J(n,n) real
        H(n,n) = conj(J(n,n))/abs(J(n,n));
        J = H*J; P = P*H';
end % end of function
[1]Givens rotation transformations could be used by the QR algorithm instead of Householder transformations.
[2]Karl Hessenberg (1904–1959) was a German electrical engineer and mathematician. He wrote the report where he introduced the Hessenberg form while he was a Ph.D. student at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt [HESSENBERG40].
[3]The subdiagonal is the diagonal below the main diagonal.