7.3. Robot Arm Lab Project

Your task is to build a simple robot, with two joints, that can move an end effector to a set of points. You will create software that enables the robot to move in straight lines between points.

Note: The robot movements must all be parallel to a flat horizontal surface (on a plane).

Here are the general steps you’ll take to complete this project:

  1. Decide on the number and type of joints you’ll build.
  2. Build your robotic arm.
  3. Begin moving the joints under the control of computer software.
  4. Improve and reiterate your design.
  5. Measure the parameters for your robotic arm.
  6. Develop the kinematic equations for your design.
  7. Implement the kinematic equations as MATLAB functions.
  8. Generate a trajectory of points for the robot to move on the worksheet.
  9. Test your robotic arm on the worksheet.
  10. Evaluate the robotic arm performance.
  11. Adjust the software to improve the robotic arm movement.