7.1. Forward Kinematics HomeworkΒΆ

  1. Write a MATLAB script to find the pose of the end effector for a simple two link robot operating on a plane. The first joint angle is \pi/3. The length of the first arm is 12 cm. The second joint angle is -2\pi/3. The length of the second arm is 6 cm. Make a simple plot of the robot using the trplot() function and the following function to draw a line between joints of the robot.

    function plotArm(T1, T2)
    % PLOTARM  -- plot a line pose T1 to pose T2 (both homogenious matrix)
        x1 = T1(1,3);
        y1 = T1(2,3);
        x2 = T2(1,3);
        y2 = T2(2,3);
        line([x1 x2], [y1, y2], 'LineWidth', 3)
  2. Write a MATLAB script to find the 3-D (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) pose of the end effector described as follows. The first joint angle is at (0,
-\pi/4, \pi/4). The first arm length is 10 cm. The second joint angle is at (\pi/6, \pi/5, 0). The length of the second arm is 7.5 cm. The third arm is at position (0, \pi/3, 0). The length of the third arm is 3 cm. Make a simple plot of the robot. Modify the previous plotArm function to plot in 3 dimensions. You may want to rotate the plot to better see each arm of the robot.