14.10. A Change of Coordinate FramesΒΆ
This project is more of a class activity than a traditional homework assignment.
Robotic programming environment often provide multiple coordinate frames as a convenience to the programmer. They provide a world coordinate frame where the (X, Y, Z) positions are relative to the base of the robot. A work-piece coordinate frame can also be configured, which allows a coordinate frame to be established with points relative the piece being worked on. In this problem, we will consider a sheet of metal at a 30 degree angle along the x-axis (rotated about the y-axis). Another rectangular piece of metal is to be welded perpendicular to the work-piece at a fixed location and then another piece welded to its top. Our robot needs to make two weld lines. To help the robot weld straight lines, we need to find a set of points along the weld lines that are 1/8 inch apart. The location of the weld lines in the work-piece coordinate frame are shown in the code below.
We need to transform the points from work-piece coordinates to world
coordinates. To do this, we add the base of the work-piece coordinate frame to
a transformation of the points. A set of points parallel to the work-piece
along the x-axis (fixed Z coordinate) are at a 30 degree angle in the world
coordinate frame. We can find the transformed points by setting the work-piece
coordinates in a column vector and multiplying by a
transform matrix. The diagram below shows a side view of the
work-piece and a line perpendicular to the work-piece. Red lines make right
triangles that will help us determine the transformation matrix based on the
trigonometry of the right triangles.
If the transformation matrix is correct, MATLAB will draw the work-piece surface as a plane and lines where the welds are to be made.
Most all of the code is provided for you. Just fill in the values of the transformation matrix. Submit your program and the plot, saved as a PNG file on Canvas.
%% Change_coords.m
% Tim Bower, 5/8/2020
% Demonstration of changing the coordinate frame between a robotic
% work-piece coordinate frame and the world coordinate frame.
% A work-piece surface is defined as starting at [10; -20; 30] in
% world coordinate frame and tilting up from there at 30 degrees in x-axis.
% The robot needs to make two 30-inch welds from points
% [5; 30] to [23; 6] on the work-piece surface and 10 inches above and
% parallel to the work-piece. To make straight line welds, the robot needs
% a set of points 1/8 apart in the world coordinate frame.
% Parallel 30 inch lines 1/8 inch apart in work-piece coordinates, one on
% the work-piece surface and one 10 inches above.
line1_wp = linepoints([5; 30; 0], [23; 6; 0], 1/8);
line2_wp = linepoints([5; 30; 10], [23; 6; 10], 1/8);
points = size(line1_wp, 2);
% pre-allocate storage
line1_rw = zeros(3, points);
line2_rw = zeros(3, points);
% Map points of the two weld lines to the robot's
% world coordinate frame.
Base_wp = [10; -20; 30]; % world coordinates of wp base
c30 = cosd(30);
s30 = sind(30);
%% YOU DO THIS: Fill in the 3x3 transformation matrix
% Consider how the world coordinates change with these three
% work-piece coordinates: [1 0 0]', [0 1 0]', [0 0 1]'
T = [ ]; % Orthogonal transform
for p = 1:points
line1_rw(:,p) = Base_wp + T*line1_wp(:,p);
line2_rw(:,p) = Base_wp + T*line2_wp(:,p);
% points for plotting the work-piece surface
[X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(0, 40*cosd(30), 20), linspace(-20, 50, 20));
Z = 30*ones(20) + X*sind(30);
X = 10*ones(20) + X;
% points for plotting the two weld lines
x1 = line1_rw(1,:);
y1 = line1_rw(2,:);
z1 = line1_rw(3,:);
x2 = line2_rw(1,:);
y2 = line2_rw(2,:);
z2 = line2_rw(3,:);
% Make a surface plot of the work-piece and plot the two weld lines.
hold on
surf(X, Y, Z, 'FaceAlpha',0.5)
plot3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 'LineWidth', 3)
hold off
grid on
function wp = linepoints(start, finish, space)
% LINEPOINTS -- Generate a set of points of a line between start and finish
% points at a specified spacing.
v = finish - start;
len = norm(v);
p = 0:space:len;
step = v/len;
wp = start + p.*step;