7.5. Setting the file position indicatorΒΆ
As calls are made to read or write to a file, file position indicator is moved. These functions can be used to explicitly set the file position indicator (fpi):
rewind(FILE *fp)
- Set the fpi to beginning of file.
fseek( FILE *fp, long offset, int place )
- Move to offset bytes from place. place must be one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END which is for beginning, current, or end of the file.
long ftell(FILE *fp)
- Returns the current file position relative to the beginning of the file.
fgetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos)
- Like ftell() except position is stored in a data structure.
fsetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos)
- Like fseek() except position is passed to the function in a data structure.
Here are two ways to do a bookmark.
FILE *fp;
long marker;
fpos_t altmarker;
marker = ftell(fp); /* set the bookmark */
fseek( fp, marker, SEEK_SET ); /* move to bookmark */
fgetpos( fp, &altmarker ); /* set the bookmark */
fsetpos( fp, &altmarker ); /* move to bookmark */